Winter sun protection tips

Sunscreen in winter is important, and here’s why:

While we need the full spectrum of the sun’s rays for optimal health, our faces are constantly exposed to light, and it can prematurely age the skin. In winter the snow and ice can amplify the suns rays and increase damage to the skin.

Chemical sunscreens work by converting the suns rays into heat, whereas mineral sunscreens actually physically block the sun’s rays. I prefer mineral sunscreens as they offer better protection.

I think the best sunscreen is the one you will wear, but that being said, I do have some favorites:

My two top picks (right now):

RE: Spray Sunblock: You can use this product everywhere, décolleté, arms, etc., including your face, you’ll just want to spray it on your hands first, then apply to face using your hands.

What to look for in mineral sunscreen:

  • Broad spectrum - UVA / UVB protection

  • Hypo-allergenic and non-comedogenic

  • Reef-friendly, (zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are kinder to reefs)

I’m curious, what’s your favorite sunscreen!

Until next time,


Sally Boyd


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