Everything I’ve learned trying to stay hydrated in the high desert

Proper hydration helps keep skin moisturized, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and promotes a glowing complexion.


(Genes, skincare routines and environmental factors also influence appearance.)

Hydration at high altitude

Sally Boyd, Esthetician

In my own experience adapting to the high desert, I have tried many approaches to staying hydrated.

My greatest lesson: It takes a multifaceted approach that goes beyond just drinking water. 

My best days begin with water early in the morning, and before coffee or tea. Drinking water throughout the day, in small amounts, rather than gulping down large glasses of water, works well on several fronts.

Quality of water matters to me, but it doesn't have to be perfect. I look to have a balance of mineral salts and add trace minerals to filtered water, or sometimes mix electrolytes into water to achieve this. Fresh lemon juice to water also has an alkalizing effect on the body, (which helps reduce inflammation). 

I will even add a small amount of aloe vera to my water. In small amounts, aloe is soothing to the digestive system and helps the body maintain hydration. Aloe also has sterols, which support the body in producing collagen, which is a vital protein in the extracellular matrix of skin. 
Restricting caffeine intake to the morning and stopping by noon can make a huge impact. Of course, getting good sleep, daily movement (of any kind!), and eating hydrating foods like cucumbers, lettuces, melons, oranges and most all fruits is one of my favorite ways of staying hydrated.

Three products I love (and carry) for dewy skin:

  • Josh Rosebrook's Hydrating Accelerator

  • Maya Chia's Supercouple 

  • Ursa Major's Golden Hour Recovery Cream

If you’re looking to expand your skincare routine I’d love to keep the conversation going! XO - SB.

Until next time,


Sally Boyd

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Tell your friends to let me know who sent them and the credit will be applied to their first service, or towards an item from the Abide Skincare shop. XO - Sally


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